You Are A Cosmic Fingerprint
There is no one else in the world like you.
If you worry about not being authentic, being copied, not being special enough remember this.
You are a cosmic finger print, your experiences from past lives and current life, plus your specific soul blueprint give you your own special magic.
I believe every person in existence has their own special, authentic, personal form of magic. This is formed from lifetimes of wisdom gained from experience.
Even if you learnt the same modality as someone or trained in the same method, you would deliver it completely differently because you are vastly different.....
People are not attracted to how many labels or qualifications you have, they are attracted to your vibration. Your essence, your magic. This is not something that can ever be copied.
Although we are one. Truly one, from the same source, your soul strand is a universe in itself with levels and complexities and wonders.
So next time you think, I am not enough, I am not special enough or they are better than me, remember. You are a cosmic fingerprint, a masterpiece of creation and no one else in the world can do it like you.