

Overcome self doubt & fear of judgement. Your path as a healer is waiting for you.

What is a Dragon Reading?

The two biggest issues I see with healers are self-doubt in ourselves, our abilities and our gifts. Secondly, fearing judgement from those in our community when we want to own what we do and express ourselves. Dragon readings are the ultimate remedy for healers to overcome self-doubt and kick the fear of judgement so you can discover or deepen your path as a healer and make a big impact in the world through your work. The intention of these sessions is that you transform self-doubt into unwavering self-belief and fear of judgement into fearless expression by owning what you love. In these readings, we uncover key aspects such as what kind of healer are you, who are you here to serve and how your soul wants to show up doing that at this time.

How it works?

In these sessions, Alice takes time to read into your energy and your intention with the help of the Dragon Spirits. We then work in the session to uncover where your limitations are rooted and transform this energy so you can step onto your path as a healer with unwavering self-belief and fearless self-expression. We finish the session with a channelled healing and you are given homework to go and integrate by the Dragon Spirits.

Exchange: £222

Length: 60mins

Location: Zoom/Online

Recording: There is an option to have the session recorded and you’ll receive that on your Zoom profile


In the beginning, as a healer, I didn’t doubt myself which is surprising due to the amount of early trauma I experienced. I definitely experienced fear of judgement but self-doubt wasn’t so much of an issue. However, after some years into being a healer, I experienced a prolonged neurological event due to Long COVID-19, I was completely separated from myself, and I felt lost and heartbroken. Although surrounded by support and loved ones, I experienced total isolation and felt that I had lost my place in the world. I was a shell. My journey back to fullness was long and hard and stricken with crippling self-doubt and the fear of judgement was louder than ever. I have had to forge a path back to self-belief in my gifts and abilities and had to overcome the fear of owning and expressing what I know to be true. Now I am of course in deep reverence for my experience with Long COVID-19 as it gave me the hard learnt gifts of how to overcome self-doubt and show up louder and brighter than ever as a healer. 

Alice has spent her career with a deep dedication to honouring the spirit realm and her spiritual connection. She has the ability to receive visions, insights and messages about other people’s experiences and channel healing messages from the spirit realm, with a particular focus on working with Dragon Spirits as a feminine wisdom keeper. Alice has trained extensively in working in the spirit realm including working in the Akashic Records and other spirit-led lineages. Alice has a solid trauma-informed foundation from her time training with masterful teachers such as Gabor Mate. 

Alice is one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met. Her warmth and gentleness sparkles through and with this she creates the most welcoming space when working with her. I have transformed so much since starting with her!

– Claire Linturn, Master RTT Therapist

What Other People Said….

“I just loved the session with Alice. It was very insightful and it provided me with guidance and reassurance for the future. It gave me clarity and an even deeper connection to myself and my growth. I highly recommend a healing with Alice for anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and heal any wounds that are holding them back. I for sure feel calmer and more empowered and I know more great things are to come! I love the fact that there is a recording of the whole session which I can refer back to. Thank you Alice from the bottom of my heart!”

Kat Luksic - Hypnotherapist and Actress, Scotland

Gorgeous Alice, was wonderfully warm and intimate. I loved the thoroughness of what you shared, and how it really resonated with my experience of my life (and lives) so far. It also helped me understand some of the blocks that seemed so resistant to breakthrough so far. Thank you, dear Alice: A most useful, thoroughly timely and highly meaningful session to support my healing journey, and how to be of service with my gifts. Blessings & much love to you!”

Yvonne Sum - Certified Speaking Professional, Author, Growth Strategist, HyperDrive Coach - Shanghai

“I had a healing with Alice and I am completely blown away by how things have changed in my life since. It is by far the most profound thing I have ever experienced in resolving the final pieces of issues that were holding me back. After the session, I felt an immediate shift and release and saw the world, my life and my understanding for my purpose on this planet through completely new eyes. The depth of understanding I gained from this work has changed my life for the better and I am so grateful to have worked with Alice. Alice's method is a key part of healing and has helped me truly integrate all the other healing I have done.

Lindsay Duffus - RTT Therapist

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