Welcome Soul Mailers, on this page you receive access to the workshop recording on The Energy of Long Covid and Post-Pandemic Hangover.
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What Worked For Me:
CLEANSE: You have to do a pretty extreme cleanse. No sugar, processed foods, things that add to inflammation could be avoided such as gluten and dairy. However to make this specific I would recommend getting a QXHI Bioreonance reading, I used this initially to help me understand my diet when I had Crohn's disease and went back again with long covid. Below is the number of Michelle who did my reading, through this I was able to understand what foods I need to stay away from to help heal Long Covid.
FASTING: If you can, fast for a few days. This was a huge turning point for me, this starves the virus and allows your gut to cleanse and heal. I don’t recommend intermittent fasting, I recommend blocking fasting and only in your follicular phase if you are a bleeding woman. Otherwise, male or non-bleeding women can fast whenever however, I would still maybe suggest non-bleeding women wait for a week after the new moon. I fasted for 48 hours. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, there are centres which specialise in fasting.
HERBS: Ayurveda to the rescue, I will pass on Simran's contact details. I used these herbs to cure crohns and always faithfully return when I am out of wack. They are otherwordly, and very, very powerful. They helped purge all the toxins and give me energy back. I will warn that they purge your mind too which can be very confronting.
SUPPORT: Have your support network, you need a network of people to help support you. Healers, Therapists, Ayurvedic Practitoners etc. I had the lot and I couldn’t have done it without them.
CELERY JUICE: Yee old faithful helps to heal the gut and wash out toxins created by covid.
SUN: You must must must go into the sun, covid hates the sun.
COLD WATER: Reduces inflammation and regulates the nervous system and boosts the immune system. I used to put my head in cold water to reduce the inflammation in my brain.
FISH & MEAT: If you feel incredibly depleted fish and meat can be very healing to help give you strength again, even if it’s for a short time.
TRACK YOUR BLOOD: Get a blood test to track vitamin and mineral uptake, and get infusions if necessary as your gut may not be in a good enough place to take up the minerals.
MEDICINE: If you are someone who works with plant medicine, psilocybin was the final thing that kicked it over the edge for me. I cannot officially advise this.
RAW HONEY: Eat LOTS of raw honey, it heals the heart and creates soothing.
CURCUMIN: Curcumin for brain inflammation.
Self Help & How to Help Others:
Please use these practices on yourself or reach out to a professional such as myself to help you through these. If you are a practitioner, you are welcome to support your clients with these practices.
Write a list every day of all the good things you have done in the day e.g. hugging your cat, smiling at a stranger, watering flowers, eating 3 healthy meals. This starts to rebuild hope and empowerment.
Give full permission to sleep and rest but try to create a routine for yourself or your client e.g. encourage yourself to go to bed earlier so you feel like you have more of the morning and day and don’t feel so left behind.
Don’t overload yourself or your clients with tasks, homework or deep healing work, their internal worlds are so confusing, they need assistance when doing deep healing work.
Supplement your days with light morning routines e.g 10 mins stretching, 10 mins laying down meditation and 10 mins journaling. If too much, reduce it to 5 mins. Give yourself something short to anchor you into this reality.
Gratitude. Even though this was very difficult and a huge effort to keep putting a positive spin on everything, get yourself to say out loud every day to yourself or involve flatmates and family, three things they are grateful for.
Put reminders on your phone which say things like “this is temporary, remember you are healing” - “your body is divinely intelligent, nature heals everything”.
You will most likely be very self-destructive during this time, most likely looking at ways to self-destruct in your business, relationships etc. You will probably pick holes where there are no holes and will question everything as your decision-making centre is inflamed. I recommend getting a coach/healer/therapist. Practitioners you need to coach your clients through this, and convince them not to make any drastic decisions until at least 21 days after they can feel the covid is gone and they have complete clarity again.
Remind yourself that you are a good person who deserves good things to happen to them.
Comedy - if you watch TV, watch comedy and things that will make you laugh or documentaries which are awe-inspiring.
If you have the energy, go to art galleries to start to try and reconnect with your life force and creative force.
Consider how you are numbing e.g. TV, Work, Social media, shopping etc.
If you are dealing with Long Covid you need a support team, here is who I used. I also highly recommend working with someone like me who has been through long covid and can help you from a place of experience with the mental, emotional and spiritual elements.
Ayurvedic Practitioner - Super herbs!
Can be done remotely and globally.
Healer for cellular transformation.
Healer & Long Covid Survivor
I offer one-off healing sessions or a 10-week 1:1 container for support and to find yourself again.