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Money and Trauma FREE Workshop

The Background:

Our relationship to money can be rooted in trauma and unfortunately no matter how many times you think of being abundant and try to develop an abundance mindset, if the trauma is there, it’s there and that’s what needs to be processed. You can’t think away trauma with affirmations. Trauma is not what happens to us, it’s the unprocessed material that gets left behind after the traumatic event which creates limitation and constriction in our bodies, nervous systems and minds. When a situation arises which is similar to that which created the trauma, our reactions are limited to a triggered and automatic response.

If you have trauma around money, you will continue to have the same automatic trauma response which is rooted in the past until you have discharged the trauma. Only then will you have the space to obverse yourself and react differently.

Common automatic trauma responses to money can include:

  • Automatically trying to pay for everyone

  • Feeling nervous or fearful when a bill comes

  • Feeling avoidant of your finances

  • Spending as soon as you have money

  • Not spending at all

  • Feeling that there will never be enough

  • Over-explaining your purchases

  • When money comes, thinking there will be a dry spell afterwards

  • Finding it difficult to ask for money

  • Dissasocating around money

  • Feeling fearful when money is raised in conversation

  • Not trusting that money has your back

  • Any physiological response that feels constrictive when dealing with money

  • Being unable to manage money

  • Feeling like money comes but instantly goes

  • Always feeling like you just need to get through the next month

  • And so many more…

We all have our stories around money from our family of origin, and unless we break those stories and deal with the related trauma then the same patterns will continue to repeat unconsciously throughout our lives in various different ways.

Potential Money Stories:

  • Not having your needs met financially by your parents, so you develop low worth in relation to money.

  • Money being used as a way to control in your family of origin, so you believe money is the problem and part of you doesn’t want it.

  • Living with money struggles throughout your life so you believe money is for everyone else apart from you.

  • Money being inconsistent, so you believe money is sporadic and can’t be trusted.

  • Feeling that you are the poor person in an affluent area, so you believe that wealth is for others.

  • Coming from a wealthy family but feeling shameful for having so much and being ostracised as the wealthy one. You believe your problems are never valid because you have money.

  • And so many more….

Our money issues can come from having and not having money in our family of origin. Both can create trauma and need to be worked through for us to create financial freedom. I spent years of my life trying to develop financial abundance through positive thinking and gratitude alone, these things did create slight improvements, however, not long-lasting change. From my experience shifts started to occur when I started processing my trauma around money so I could build my own relationship with it.

Heal to live in freedom with money!

The Invitation:

I invite you to my FREE Money and Trauma workshop on the 27th Feb, in this session we will be understanding your relationship to money from the lens of your nervous system using the polyvagal theory. Next, we will go into a ceremony, holding space for the somatic experiences in the body to process the trauma you are holding around money.

The Intention:

To help you create a new, trusting and loving relationship around money! Yay to financial freedom and money becoming a force for good!

This event is FREE! So share and tell your friends!

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