Where Do You Not Feel Deserving?

This is a conversation I have had more than once this week and when this happens I like to share some medicine for others who are also struggling.

Once our dreams come true we can often wait for the other shoe to drop, we know how to operate in struggle, suffering & trauma and we aren't used to feeling like no drama is round the corner. We have dreamed a bigger dream but the self sabotage wants to pull it back to our normal, which is normalised suffering.

Ask yourself, which part of me doesn't feel deserving of my dreams?

It could be the part that was told you can't make money out of doing what you love, it could be a past life version which was persecuted.

See that part, hold them, tell them you are looking after them now and they are safe, it's ok to let the old stories die. Integrate them and bring them home with unconditional love.

Trust challenge will come back, that's how equilibrium works. But for now, breath in deserving, sit with yourself, hold yourself, tell yourself you are worthy. You deserve to have money, a healthy relationship, wonderful children, a safe home... You deserve to fulfill your Dharma, right now you are just working on some karma. Be patient, it will pass.


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