There Are No Such Thing As Negative Emotions

If I hear that some emotions are negative in the spiritual community one more time, I may cry myself.

Judging the depths of your emotional range as positive or negative is incredibly limiting and creates bypassing.

Your emotions are how we understand how we feel about each moment in time. We were GIFTED each and every feeling so we could navigate which is and isn't in alignment with us.

Emotions are beige, neutral, and every spiritual person feels anger, frustration and even rage at times. Shamans feel angry, they get pissed off. Why is that experience less spiritual than joyfulness?

Judging your emotions only creates a deeper sense of suppression, meaning you can only show the socially acceptable ones. When you lock emotions inside they get louder and do anything to get your attention. This shows as overwhelm, overreaction and anxiety.

Telling someone who has been abused to drop anger is not helpful in my experience. Telling someone who has been abused to feel all the anger, let is run through them and express it in a safe environment with support around them is healthy.

When you deal with your emotions with respect and non-judgment you can find true peace.We are human, no matter how spiritual, you are human and you were gifted emotions as your navigation tool, so tap in and let them guide you.

Remember emotions are beige, there is no such thing as good and bad.


Your Sensitivity Is Your Superpower


Cold Water Medicine