Divine Masculine Wounding


We are made up of both divine masculine and divine feminine energy, you see this concept in all ancient spiritual traditions such as yin and yang, shiva and shakti. You need both to be in harmony in mind, body, emotional body and spirit. The divine masculine is the right side and the divine feminine is the left hand side of the body. The idea is that this state of balance is derived from the unity of these two opposing forces. If there is imbalance in either the divine masculine or the divine feminine, the soul will experience repercussions in their life, either in their physicality or in their everyday reality.

The Collective Wounded Masculine

We are living in a patriarchal society controlled by matrix structuring, meaning society is operating from a space of the wounded masculine, not the divine masculine. But you have probably heard about how patriarchy and how a society operating out of the wounded masculine has suppressed and feared the power or the divine feminine. Women have indeed felt huge repercussions from patriarchy, their divine cyclical natures rejected, their emotional powers deemed crazy, their wisdom and power considered insignificant. But it’s not just women that have suffered from living under the wounded masculine, men have also suffered. Men are made up of divine feminine as well and if the divine feminine has been suppressed, that side of men that is made up of feminine energy has also been suppressed. 

Men have been made to feel unsafe when expressing emotions and this wounded masculinity that men are expected to conform with does not align with their emotional needs. Men are expected to be macho, not show emotion and just get on with it. Phrases such as “big girls blouse” and “cried like a little girl” have made it a societal norm to judge, mock and find it peculiar when men show deep emotion.

Emotional suppression leads to disease. Emotional suppression leads to confusion about who we are, suppressing our emotional body is rejecting a part of ourselves. When we lead our lives without emotions and without feeling our way through our environment, we allow the mind to always lead and easily lose our way, we are going against our heart’s desires and soul’s callings.

Studies have shown that 80% of reported suicides are men [1] and that men are far more likely to become dependent on substances to cope (2). This is a massive issue and needs to be spoken about more, safe space needs to be held for men to come forward to talk about their emotional needs. We should encourage men to look beyond the “I’m normal, I feel fine” response and connect and look deeper.

The reason I wrote this post is two-fold. Firstly to bring awareness to the effects the patriarchy is having on men’s health and secondly that the divine masculine needs healing in both men and women. The divine masculine, is the base and foundation for the divine feminine to express through, our creativity and our divinity will be truly expressed when it feels safe to do so.

Divine masculine wounding shows up in these symptoms:

  • Father wounding, or issue with father/grandfather.

  • Feeling triggered by men.

  • Not being able to set boundaries.

  • Not being able to say no.

  • Not being able to ask for your needs to be met.

  • Not being able to receive.

  • Always feel like you owe someone if they do something nice for you.

  • Having issues with money.

  • Feeling insecure.

  • Not having a strong foundation.

  • Not feeling protected.

This is something I have healed in myself, and I know that when you heal this aspect of yourself the universe will bring you your soul’s callings, as you have the foundation and base to hold space for it. Your divine feminine can be expressed through this solid base with love. You feel safe to pursue what you love and know it’s ok to become removed from collective norms that don’t light up your soul.

Journaling Exercise Questions:

How do you give and receive energy?

How good are you at setting boundaries and when do you find it hard?

How secure and protected do you feel in your idea of self?

Run down all of the symptoms above and see which ones resonate, write and meditate into these.


Alice xxx


Cold Water Medicine